It can be much easier than you think to Make Money In College. While you classmates are flipping burgers and working terrible hours at the mall, you could be making money in college by putting in a couple hours on the internet every week. I'm in my second year of college and I quickly realized working crappy part time jobs is for suckers (this is why you're in college in the first place right? You don't want to be working at these places) and your time is much more valuable than what the local McDonald's or American Eagle is willing to pay you for.
There are three main ways I've found so far that are excellent methods of making money in college.
1.Blogging. Making money while blogging is one of the cheapest methods. You can start blogs for nothing and after you learn about niches, backlinks, keywords, how to get your page up on google and a few other tricks, blogging can be and excellent way to make money in college. (If you've noticed that fact that I'm using the phrase “make money in college” a lot, it's because this is the key word niche I'm trying to use, try to fill your articles with key words, this is the first step to getting a good google ranking.) Blogging is also a great way to promote my next method. The Ultimate Supertip.
2.The Ultimate Supertip. The Ultimate Supertip is one of the easiest ways to make money in college I've found so far. You can download the free (don't even have to give an e-mail or anything, straight up free no strings attached download) ebook here. I'm not even going to attempt to explain it because the ebook does way better than I ever could and since it's free there's really no point in me going into when you can just download it. I know the way the website is set up it looks like every other rip off make money quick scheme but trust me (even though you really don't have any reason to haha)it works much better than it looks.
3.Project Payday. Project payday is my third choice when it comes to making money in college. Ever see those ads that scream at you about getting a free iPod or some other item. I always thought they were a bunch of garbage until I came across this. These same sites will pay you cash for getting them referrals. If you go to project payday(which is free) it will explain how to do everything in great detail. Basically though, it works like this. There are message boards set up for the purpose of trading referral links. People will pay you to sign up for free(or really cheap, I'm talking 2 or 3 bucks) trials of various products, they'll in turn pay you (I've made up to 40 dollars on just one site) because they get compensation from the site. This is how you make the real money with this method. You get 5 referrals and the website will normally pay you around 200 to 250 dollars. You pay 20 dollars a referral and that's a 100-150 dollar profit. This method is great if you need some cash quick, but like I said. The other two methods are much more reliable and long term for making money in college.
This should get you started with making money in college, look into what I've suggested and look out for more in depth articles.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
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